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1.1 Background to the Study

Religion is a powerful tool for character reformation globally especially Christian religion which has been described by many scholars as a good weapon for reforming the behaviour and character of all individual. This is why this work will focus on the need especially this computer age to have the- fear of God in the lives of every student in our school system. The Educationists have the belief that, it is through the instilling of religious consciousness that sanity can be brought into every fact of the country.

Religion can be defined as the beliefs, attitudes, emotions or behavior constituting man’s relationship with the power and principles of the universe, especially with a deity or deities. It is also an object of conscientious devotion or scrupulous care (Lawal, 2002).


It must also be remembered that this present, time, religious knowledge performance of secondary school students is not encouraging. Therefore, the concern for issue of falling standard of Education as well as the, future of this country has inspired this research that is, it is through Christian Religious as character reformation that things can be put into an orderly manner.

There is a pressing need in Nigeria today in every school system for quality education. It is also believed that there is a high rate of moral decadence in the country but most educationists are of the opinion that it is through the in-calculation of religious education or deep religious awareness that quality of education can be brought into the whole setup of the country. It must also be remembered that at the present time, the social behaviours of the secondary school students is not encouraging. While due to the fact of this standard of education that is falling has also led to the study of Christian religious study.

Furthermore, civilization which is a direct result of the introduction of western education has led to a lot of offence for example robbery and other anti-social behaviour like drug abuse, are habits prevalent  among secondary school boys and girls and this has eaten deep into  the fabric of our society. And what reduce or put a stop to all these bad behaviours is the aspect of the aim of Christian religious education. The lives of our students should be left in the hands of our Religious teachers who have every opportunity to bring them up in a Godly manner. The religious teacher would train them from their youth to enhance the fear and acknowledge the word of God in their daily lives.

It is also being agreed that the future of -this country lies in the hands of our youths so there is a great need to help them achieve more success academically in the field of religious knowledge as well as other branches of Education. However, there is no consensus of opinion about the nature of religion. It constitutes an adjustment to a special set of conditions and circumstances under which a society lives and functions (Ajidagba, 2002).

According to Bozman (L967), Religion is defined as the acceptance of obligations toward powers higher than man himself, with the belief that these higher power are of a personal nature, and not more blink forces.

Looking, at what Christian religious education is and once the definition of religion can be understood clearly then what is Christian religious education. How and where does it come from? The message of Christ to nations, where he is not yet heard and to find a medium by which to make itself known; In Nigeria, that medium was the formal education system which the early missionaries sought to establish in the 19th century, this is the type of education which they carne with from their own country that later resulted into Christian message in Nigeria. Out of time the people to read and understand the word of God and so as to be able to preach these words to their own neighbours. While this was the earliest form of Christian religious education in Nigeria. How then does this reform the character of the students in secondary schools? These shall be discussed in the next chapter.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Despite the importance of Christian Religious Knowledge to the individual and nation in imparting moral values and behavioural changes, it is worthy to note that the quality of character disposed by students in the society is diminishing and poor (Lawal, 2002). This is a demanding issue because of the relative importance of the subject to education excellence and moral development, if care is not taken, the country will be eroded of its moral values and cultures if trends continue like that.


Students nowadays are not well cultured in their mode of dressing due to poor orientation from family. This serve as a major challenge that is affecting students’ character reformation.


Another problem affecting students’ character reformation is bad peer pressure from colleagues and friends which goes a long in influencing their attitude in the environment.


As a result of the aforementioned problems, the research study will focus on various ways through which character reformation will improve students’ behaviour via the knowledge gathered from CRS subject.


1.3 Purpose of the Study

The study examines the Christian Religious Knowledge as an instrument for character molding among secondary school students in Mowe community in Ogun state as a case study. Then, the specific purposes of the study are to:

  1. Examine how Christian Religious study aids the reformation of students’ character in secondary schools.
  2. Examine the relationship between the Christian religious study teacher and the students.

iii. Examines how the knowledge of Christian Religious Study aids the molding of students’ character.

  1. Examine the effect of Christian Religious Study on students’ academic performance in secondary schools.

1.4 Research Questions

The study is guided by the following research questions:

  1. How does Christian Religious study aid the reformation of students’ character in secondary schools?
  2. Does any relationship exist between the Christian Religious Study teacher and the students?

iii. How does the knowledge of Christian Religious Study aid the molding of students’ character?

  1. How does Christian Religious Study affect the academic performance of students in secondary schools?




1.5 Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were developed for the study:

  1. There is no significant relationship between Christian Religious Study and reformation of students’ character.
  2. There is no significant relationship between Christian Religious Study teacher and the students.

iii. There is no significant relationship between Christian Religious Study and the molding of students’ character.

  1. There is no significant relationship between Christian Religious Study and academic performance of students in secondary schools.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is to assess the Christian Religious Knowledge as an instrument for character molding among secondary school students Mowe community in Ogun state as a case study. In addition, the study covers what Christian Religious Studies is, its components, functions, objectives as well as how it affects students attitude and their academic performance.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

This research study is on Mowe Local Education District. Some perceived constraints may be encounter by the researcher in the course of carrying out the research work. The limitations are as follows:

  1. Inadequate material: Inadequate material constituted one of the limitations of the research work. The non-availability of materials like journals, textbooks etc the research study.
  2. Finance: The researcher also may encounter some financial constraints which will contribute in limiting the work in the sense that fund available was not enough to carry out the research to a logical conclusion.

iii. Time: Time is also another factor or limitation that may affect the research work. The limited time may not give the researcher enough opportunity to do more rigorous work.




1.8 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to correct and reform the character of the students.

Another significance of the study is that it will serve as an opener to learners by exposing them to the right type of value, attitude and moral in order to become a useful person in the future and a good citizen.


To this end it therefore serves as a benchmark for researchers to further evaluate the effect of Christian Religious Studies, and how it ultimately reflect in students’ academic performance.


Consequentially, the studies will help the society to understand the relevance of Christian Religious Studies and how it affects the reformation of students’ character.


1.9 Definition of Terms

CRS: Christian Religious Studies

Character: The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another.

Religious studies: A religious study is the academic field of multi-disciplinary, secular study of religious beliefs, behaviors, and institutions. It describes, compares, interprets, and explains religion, emphasizing systematic, historically based, and cross-cultural perspectives.


Student: One who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college, or university.

Reformation: One who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college, or university.



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