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1.1       Background to the Study

Morality today, it has been observed, is increasingly on the decay. Ethics as a way of ordered living which propagates ideal communal life and human relationship is speedily waning. There is concern in several quarters that at the rate immorality is making waves in the society; the likely tendency is that there might be serious breakdown of law and order which might lead to anarchy. It is said that a lawless and immoral society is prone to chaotic situation and anarchy. An ideal society is that which is devoid of violence, civil disorder, with minimal rate of crime and immoral practices and unethical standards. This is why sound morals and ethical standard have been the concern of mans’ social institutions in recent years. Hence, many campaigns in the society today are geared towards curbing immorality and other such voices and drama is a major instrument used by various anti- immorality’ and anti-corruption campaign agencies. In Nigeria, the church has been taking one of the leading roles in the campaign against immorality.[1]

Moral according to Webster’s university Dictionary and Thesaurus is adjectival word that is “of or related to character, particularly as regards to right from wrong.” Morality is to be seen as the right motive on which man is supposed to act, the good which one ought to follow or achieve, the discerning power of conscience with which one determines or knows right from wrong, the law of mutual living able to yield positive action otherwise known as freedom of will. Ethics in theology, especially when referred to as Christian Ethics is the same thing as moral theology. Manton thus explains Moral Theology as “the study of how people should act in the sight of God.”[2] The term is more frequently in Roman Catholic.

The prevalence of immorality in churches among members in Nigeria cannot he emphasized. It has grown to a level that creates fear and tension in the heart of anyone who has concern for the future in Nigeria as a nation and that of the teeming Christian populates of Nigeria. The society is grappling with many behavioral problems of the church members and clergy/pastors alike, which include fraud, deception. Intimidation, and drug offences, smoking, flirting, stealing and armed robbery, violent conduct and demonstration, vandalism, examination malpractices, cultism and thuggery. In addition the above listed widely publicized behavioral problems, heterosexual and homosexual activities are prevalent in some of the Nigeria churches.

According to New Testament of the Holy Bible, jealousy, killing, lies, adultery, fornication, theft, heresies, pride and several immoral acts are against the will of God. However, the church is guided by the word of God which is against all forms of immorality, but there are still some levels of immorality in churches.


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